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All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: direct-flow gate valves, wellhead valves, ball valves, wedge valves according to API 6D specification, check valves according to API 6D specification, valves for thermal power plants, wedge valves, electric drives, valves for cryogenic media, safety spring valves, switching devices, safety valve blocks with switching devices, check valves (rotary check valves), flanges
  • Valve blocks
    Valve blocks
    BPU 25/50, 80/100, 100/150, etc.
  • API 6D wedge gate valves
    API 6D wedge gate valves
    150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, etc.
  • Valves for thermal power plants
    Valves for thermal power plants
    002.100.1700 , etc.
  • Switching devices
    Switching devices
    PU 50-16, 100-16, 150-16, etc.
  • Check valves (valves)
    Check valves (valves)
    COP 50-16, 80-16, 100-16, etc.
  • Ball valves
    Ball valves
    DN 300, 400, 700, PN 80, etc.
  • Safety valves
    Safety valves
    SPPC DN 25, 80, 100, 150, etc.
  • Flanges
    DN 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, etc.
  • Electric drives
    Electric drives
    ZEP1-B300.50, CV5, etc.
  • Wedge gate valves
    Wedge gate valves
    ZCL2 (ZCLP) DN 50, 80, 125, etc.
  • Valves for cryogenic media
    Valves for cryogenic media
    3CLX 50-40, 80-40, 100-40, etc.
  • API 6D reverse valves
    API 6D reverse valves
    150, 300, 600, 900, etc.
  • Wellhead fittings
    Wellhead fittings
    AF, EF, AN, EN, etc.
  • Direct-flow valves
    Direct-flow valves
    ZM (ZMS) 50x14, 80x14, etc.


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